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Consulting services

Modirum has been part of 3D-Secure 1.0 protocol implementation since it was firstly introduced. As such Modirum have a significant in 3D-Secure history providing consulting services to processors as well to the card schemes.

During the years consulting on 3D-Secure authentication has remained part of our services we commit to due to the needs of our customers. Based on our own in-depth experience in development and enhancements of the 3D-Secure authentication software and fun of running it at our hosting centres we can assure you that we know quite a bit when it comes to 3D-Secure. So we can potentially be beneficial to you by giving more insight into the world of 3D-Secure authentication when you may require guidance on it.

Now since changes are ahead again, we are proud to announce that we are one of the technical partners of EMVCo, for the new protocol of 3D-Secure 2.0 which will be launched during 2016. Modirum will be one of the software vendors for the protocol development and of course will make sure that its own products will be up-to-date with the new 3D-Secure 2.0 requirements.


In case you need additional info on our consulting services please feel free to contact us for further details.

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