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Modirum FSS

Modirum FSS is a future proof High Performance Solution for RealTime Fraud Detection and Blocking designed for Card Not Present environments.

FSS constitutes the complete solution for:

  • Issuers that want to provide Risk Based Authentication during 3-D secure to reduce cardholder abandonment rates and increase cardholder loyalty to the offered service.
  • Acquirers, Processors, Retailers that are processing ecommerce transactions and want to secure their business from external fraud and risks


  • High performance server
  • In house and Hosted Options
  • Tightly Integrated with Modirum ACS, VPOS and MPI
  • Sophisticated Risk Based Authentication during 3-D Secure v1 & v2
  • Single Rules, Binary Rules, Velocity Checks, Age Rules, Trusted Devices, White and Black Lists
  • Personalized rules for Issuer, Acquirer, Merchant
  • Full decision tree provided to merchant on each transaction
  • Scenario engine
  • Ability to integrate with external risk scoring systems
  • Open architecture; any major OS, AS & Database SW is supported

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